Archive for the 'General' Category

Playing with BlogShares

Friday, January 14th, 2005

just starting out with blogshares, and claiming my blog

aggregate comment view in roller?

Friday, January 7th, 2005

New features for Roller — Group blogging would be great, especially in corporate/work environments where you might have a blog per project.  A work around we have used, is enabling a view of posts by all users to a certain category.  So, everyone would create a category for that project if they wanted to post […]

Roller with MS SQL 2k (Microsoft SQL Database)

Friday, January 7th, 2005

At work we are using Roller for our internal blogging server. When doing the install, I opted to use MS SQL 2k as the database instead of HSQLDB or MySQL because that's what we use here. In order to get Roller up and running, I had to make some changes. Here are the changes required […]

Tuesday, January 4th, 2005

I‘ve just started using At first use, it‘s great! I‘ve added tracking now to most of my personal sites. The use of the service is free (you have option to upgrade and give them money if you‘d like (and, if I continue to be pleased with the site, I just might)). What puts it […]